Dolan Community Crowdfunding

Jesse Hall Elementary School

A campaign by Justine Peltier

  • $2,500
    Raised of $2,500
  • 1
  • 0
    seconds left
100 %
Successfully funded on January 9, 2015

In a school with limited resources, Jesse Hall is always seeking ways to bring more technology into our school. We have over 600 students that are expected to share one computer lab. With the increasing demands of testing with the use of computers, as well as the need for computers to do research to meet common core requirements, Jesse Hall is in desperate need of mobile laptops to keep up with the growing demands. As a result, we are requesting a total of $5,000, which would allow us to buy 9 wireless laptops for our mobile laptop cart. Each laptop costs $550 (9 X $550 = $ 4, 950). If our class does not meet the proposed goal, we will use any funds toward buying lap tops (one at a time if we need to). We appreciate any help we can get to meet our goal. Thank you Dolan for all of your support in our community!