Dolan Community Crowdfunding

Van Gorder Elementary School Mrs. Spaulding's Kindergarten Classroom

A campaign by KeithandJulie Spaulding

  • $967
    Raised of $900
  • 12
  • 0
    seconds left
107 %
Successfully funded on March 2, 2015

Mrs. Spaulding's kindergarten classroom would like to increase the use of interactive technology in the classroom by adding a new interactive white board. We currently use technology on a daily basis to engage and enhance instruction. Adding an interactive white board to our classroom will allow students to interact with activities, websites, worksheets, flipcharts etc. We need a total of $1800 to purchase the interactive whiteboard for our classroom.

If we do not meet our goal, we will invest in additional IPADS for individual student use to support skills taught in the classroom. These skills include; handwriting, letter sounds, phonemic writing, word building, math etc.

Our kindergarten kids would appreciate any support...we love learning and learning is fun!